How debt counseling can impact your credit
Understand what credit-scoring agencies do in response to debt counseling.
Credit Monitoring after Bankruptcy
Repairing your credit after filing bankruptcy can seem difficult, but it's possible. Credit monitoring is useful for cleaning up the wreckage, correcting inaccuracies, and preventing additional credit problems.
Credit Monitoring: How it can Help
Credit monitoring services can help minimize problems caused by identity theft and fraudulent use of your credit. Frequent credit monitoring can also be useful for rebuilding credit.
Understanding Credit Monitoring Services
You don't want to live in your parents' garage or risk not getting a loan when you most need it. Credit monitoring services can help prevent bad credit caused by identity theft, but are they worth the cost?
Five Reasons for Ordering Your Free Credit Report
A free annual credit report can be a great tool for managing debt and improving your credit. Here are some good ways to use access and use your credit report.
Managing Debt: 10 Tips for Success
Consumer debt can reduce your ability to save for your future and may even interfere with meeting current housing and living expenses. Here are some debt management tips that can help you avoid financial problems.
Checking Your Credit Report for Errors
Doing your own credit monitoring can save money and provides hands-on involvement with protecting and managing your credit. Order your free annual credit reports and get started today.
Consumer Credit Repair: DIY Tips
You've heard about credit repair; all you have to do is to hire a credit repair service, pay a lot of money, and your credit problems disappear. Think again. You're the only one who can genuinely improve your credit score.
Managing Debt: Understand Your Credit Report
The information contained in your credit report can be useful for monitoring and improving your credit. You can request a free credit report from each credit reporting company once a year.
Ordering and Using a Free Credit Report
Why should you order a free credit report, and how do you get one? If you use credit, you can benefit from verifying the accuracy of information contained in your credit profile.
Top 10 Reasons to Check Your Credit Reports
Knowing your credit score is important for achieving and maintaining your financial goals, but credit scoring can impact your employment prospects and the cost of goods and services.
Free Credit Report: Learning About Your Credit
Reviewing your credit reports can help you track your credit standing and discover errors on your credit report. You can get a free annual credit report from each credit reporting bureau once a year.
19 Common Credit Score Myths
You have one credit score. This myth is very common, but very wrong. You actually have three credit…
What are Credit Freezes?
Let us begin with what a credit freeze is not: it is not something that alerts creditors to possible fraud on your credit report (this is a “fraud alert”), and it is not something that…
Understanding Chex Systems
Many people never hear about Chex Systems until a rather inconvenient time. They go to apply for a new checking…
What are Credit Triggers?
‘Credit trigger’ is a relatively new term in the financial world, but if you are not yet familiar with the concept then now is the time to learn. A quickly increasing trend fed…
Monitoring your Credit Report for Free
Surely you have heard by now how important it is to have a healthy credit report, but it bears repeating. When…
Your Guide to Good and Bad Debt
Debt has a bad rap. We hear constantly scenarios in which people struggle to stay afloat while trying to make minimum monthly payments, are hounded by debt collectors,…
Your Guide to Revolving Credit and Installment Credit
There are two main types of credit, or money that creditors lend to borrowers: revolving credit and installment credit. It is important for consumers…
What is "Creditworthiness"?
When you apply to borrow money in the form of credit, whether it be a loan, credit card, or otherwise, creditors must…
How to Build Your Credit: Part II
Installment CreditIn addition to revolving credit, you also will want to venture into an installment plan or two to help build your credit. Contrary to revolving credit,…
How to Build Your Credit: Part I
When you apply for credit, such as a home or auto loan, the lender examines your credit report to determine whether or not credit should be extended to you. Your credit history and credit…
Understanding Credit Reports
You likely have been told how important it is to maintain a good credit history in order to obtain credit in the future, and you also probably know that…
Fighting Back: Legal Action against the Credit Industry
There are two main federal laws in place that help protect debtors against abuse, mistreatment, and exploitation…
Credit Card Fraud: How to Protect Yourself
For victims of credit card fraud, finding justice and starting finances anew can be a very long, difficult and confusing process.…
Credit Inquiries: Bad for your Credit Score?
You probably have heard the warnings: do not check your credit report too often, because such action actually will damage your credit! Fortunately, this is untrue,…
6 Common Questions About Credit Repair
How does one go about removing negative items from his or her credit report? Other debthelp.com articles…
How Long Do Negative Credit Report Items Last?
The phrase “statute of limitations” often is brought up when discussing negative items on one’s credit report, but this idea is not at all…
Rapid Rescoring Credit Report
Improving your credit score usually works out for the best if you do it yourself. When it comes to the potentially…
Sample Credit Report Dispute Letter
Individual citizens often have more success in correcting their credit than any other representative (with the possible exception of private attorneys). Anyone can improve his or her…
Getting Credit Where Credit Is Due: Disputing Credit Reports
Under the Fair Credit Report Act, you have the right to a free credit report from each of the three main consumer reporting agencies once every twelve months, so disputing credit items is…
How do credit inquires affect your credit score?
It has been a highly publicized idea the past few years that credit inquiries hurt your credit score, but this is much too broad of…
How long do negative marks appear on your credit report?
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) of 1970 states that credit bureaus can continue to include negative information on your credit report for up to seven years. If you have negative items such…
How much does your credit score affect your interest rates?
When creditors owe you money, they incur risk – risk that you will not pay on time, or even that you will not pay…
Interest Rates and Credit Reports: By the Numbers
Your credit score (or FICO score) is not all that is taken into consideration when a creditor determines your lending rate for a home... but it certainly does account…
Is it worth it to dispute items on your credit report?
According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) of 1970, credit agencies have a duty to correct or remove false information from consumer credit reports. Although the three major credit…
Negative Items on Credit Reports: Check and Challenge
Is this fair? A man’s credit report states that his current use of a credit card is $2,500, and also scores this amount…
The Vantage Score: Making the Grade
The FICO score, or the credit score calculated by Fair Isaac Corporation software, has long been utilized by the…
What is the new VantageScore, and how will it affect your credit?
Your credit score is calculated using complex software developed by Fair Isaac Corporation – commonly referred to as ‘FICO’. The three major credit bureaus…