Avoiding bankruptcy over healthcare expenses
Knowing your rights about medical expenses can help you prevent bankruptcy and meet healthcare costs more on your terms.
Filing bankruptcy: knowing the true cost
Up to your ears with rude collection calls at home and work? Buried under a mountain of bills you can't pay? Easy! File Bankruptcy and money problems disappear! Well, not exactly.
Considering bankruptcy? Answer these 5 questions first
You're unemployed, ill or injured, or going through a divorce. Your debt is out of control, and you're ready to file bankruptcy. Although a legal process designed to protect debtors from insurmountable debt, filing bankruptcy ruins your credit and can have lasting consequences.
Bankruptcy vs. credit counseling
Are you thinking the only way out of debt is filing for bankruptcy? Before you do, consider contacting a credit counseling service for help. This article compares credit counseling to filing for bankruptcy.
When debt help is not enough: 3 reasons for filing bankruptcy
Situations can arise that make paying your bills impossible, or that render you ineligible for participating in debt relief efforts such as credit counseling. When you're enduring any of these circumstances, consulting a bankruptcy attorney can provide information about your rights and the consequences of filing bankruptcy.
Long-term unemployment, health problems and fallen home values can make debt management a nightmare. Here are some tips for deciding if bankruptcy is your best debt management option.
Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy--Which is Right for You?
Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 filings each have their own advantages, but determining which might be best for you will depend on your current financial position.
What Happens to Cosigners When You File For Bankruptcy?
Bankruptcy is a very powerful financial tool that can affect the lives of those surrounding the debtor. Cosigners of debt should pay special attention as they are often not protected by someone else's bankruptcy.
Your Credit Rights After Bankruptcy: Discharged Debts and Zero Balances
Rebuilding your credit should be at the top of your priorities after filing for personal bankruptcy. During this process, keep a close eye on your credit report as items can often be reported incorrectly by the credit reporting agencies. In general, all discharged debts should be reported as zero balances after bankruptcy. Often they are reported incorrectly and can end up hurting your credit more than necessary. To avoid these mistakes, understand your credit rights as a consumer even under the stain of bankruptcy.
Avoid Having Your Bankruptcy Case Dismissed: 8 Tips
The dismissal of your bankruptcy case essentially means it gets thrown out of the bankruptcy court. Once this happens, you lose the protections of bankruptcy, such as the automatic stay, and can then be held responsible for all of your remaining debts.
Bankruptcy and Marriage: 6 Things You Need to Know
Bankruptcy is a convoluted process on its own, but involving a spouse could complicate things even further. Whether you are the one contemplating bankruptcy or your spouse is planning to file, it is important to understand how bankruptcy affects the ones around you. While it is legal for spouses to file independently or jointly together, these are six common issues that you are likely to encounter and should be aware of before filing for bankruptcy
Six Things to Remember Before Filing a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
While a Chapter 7 bankruptcy may be the most attractive and popular option, there are a few things to keep in mind that may actually change your decision.
Does a Bankruptcy Ever Come Off a Credit Report?
One of the biggest concerns surrounding bankruptcy is the issue of credit ratings and credit history. Due to the nature and power of this financial tool, your credit will no doubt suffer. The good news is that the bankruptcy will eventually come off with hard work and time itself.
How a Bankruptcy Can Stop Pending Lawsuits and Judgments
If you are facing a pending lawsuit or having your hard earned wages being garnished, filing for bankruptcy will be able to give you some protection. Before doing so, it is important to understand how a bankruptcy affects these serious matters. This way, you'll be able to make a better decision when considering your options and find out if filing for bankruptcy is right for you.
The Basics of Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
Chapter 11 bankruptcy is often referred to reorganization as it allows debtors to restructure themselves. Typically, Chapter 11 bankruptcy is filed by businesses, corporations, and partnerships; although it is available to individuals as well. If exercised properly, filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy can give failing businesses the chance to become successful and productive.
Four Surprising Reasons Why You May NOT Want to Avoid Bankruptcy
Although bankruptcy is commonly viewed as a last resort option, there are times when avoiding bankruptcy may not be the best decision. Here are four things to consider if you've been thinking of filing bankruptcy.
Six Reasons to Contact a Bankruptcy Lawyer Now
Filing for bankruptcy can be intimidating and quite complex. Although bankruptcy courts allow you to file on your own, having a bankruptcy lawyer by your side can help during this already stressful situation. Bankruptcy lawyers are a great source of information and legal advice during the bankruptcy process. If you've been contemplating bankruptcy, here are six reasons why you need to contact a bankruptcy lawyer a immediately
Three Troubling Signs that You Could Be Headed for Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy is a very tough situation both emotionally and financially. While bankruptcy is considered a financial disaster, there are warning signs that may help you avoid this troubling situation. By making changes and preparing for this "disaster", personal bankruptcy can actually be avoided if you can spot these troubling signs in time.
What You Need to Know About Bankruptcy, Your Employer, and Future Job Opportunities
Life after bankruptcy can be quite difficult, and one of the most important factors will be securing your next job opportunity. These days, many employers are running background checks that include credit reports to get a broader view of their candidates. With a personal bankruptcy on your record, there are several things you will need to know before dealing with these situations.
Bankruptcy and the Protections of the Automatic Stay
As soon as you file for bankruptcy, the protection of the automatic stay is immediately initiated. During this tough time, the provisions of the automatic stay are set in place to avoid snowballing problems in addition to your bankruptcy filing. Typical provisions will eliminate creditor harassment, stop most lawsuits, protect your wages from garnishment, and keep the roof over your head for a short period of time.
Three Effects Bankruptcy Could Have on Your Children
Bankruptcy is a serious financial tool which carries certain protections and consequences. If children are involved with your bankruptcy filing, it's important to understand how bankruptcy will affect them.
Owning a Home after Filing for Bankruptcy
What does it take to become a homeowner following a bankruptcy?
Exempt from Bankruptcy: Obligatory Debts
When an individual decides to file bankruptcy, it should be because there are no alternative solutions to the debt problem. Bankruptcy is highly damaging…
How to Choose between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcies
Say you decide that filing bankruptcy really is the only debt relief option that will work for you. You have exhausted all other…
Can I get a Mortgage after Bankruptcy?
Is it possible to take out a mortgage shortly after you have filed bankruptcy? In a word, yes. In fact, you…
A New Beginning after Bankruptcy: Part I
Filing bankruptcy is a financial last resort – an option that should be decided upon only when there are no other options left for debt relief. Not surprisingly then, the impact…
A New Beginning after Bankruptcy: Part II
In addition to obtaining a revolving account, you also should obtain some type of installment loan in order to rebuild your credit to the best of your ability. If you have student loans that…
DebtHelp Guide to Bankruptcy
Bankrupty is an option for consumers and businesses in desperate need of financial relief. It is a process by which a court…
Bankruptcy Court Judgments
Some types of debts can be financially overwhelming, and the threat of even a single collection lawsuit sometimes can lead borrowers directly to filing for bankruptcy. Even so, it is never a good…
Bankruptcy for Military Service Personnel
The Servicemembers’ Civil Relief Act (SCRA) was passed to thwart attempts to sue or to file liens against members of the military in the United States. The protection that SCRA grants…
Bankruptcy Red Flag Filings
In many ways, bankruptcy laws are designed for lawyers. One leading creditor’s attorney claimed that some type of fraud in bankruptcy filings occurs in almost 100% of all cases! Changes in bankruptcy laws often…
Bankruptcy, Your Spouse, and Divorce
Bankruptcy outcomes usually depend on state law. When there are issues concerning spousal support, alimony, or property settlement…
Being Pushed to Bankruptcy?
Sometimes financial hardships become so difficult that filing bankruptcy seems to be the only alternative, but there probably also are…
Creditor Strategies to Collect After Bankruptcy
Even if you are just about to file bankruptcy, or even if your debt already has been discharged, there still are creditors who…
Differences in State Bankruptcy Laws
Some creditors have offices all across America, and this makes a debt as mobile as computerized data. Recently a Florida resident,…
Negotiated Debt Agreements and Discharge
Some people follow all of the right advice for managing debt and still end up in over their heads. Because bankruptcy - at least…
Refinancing After Bankruptcy
If you have filed for bankruptcy, you might be amazed at how quickly you are able to buy a new home or refinance an existing mortgage thereafter. In other debthelp.com articles,…
Understanding the New Bankruptcy Rules
Changes to our national bankruptcy laws in 2005 have made it easier than ever to cast doubt on transfers of valuable property that have occurred within a year of a filing for bankruptcy. The Trustee, or a creditor,…